Journal Publications
Liou J. H., Liu Y.-T., Cheng L.C.*,(2024) Price Spread Prediction in High-Frequency Pairs Trading Using Deep Learning Architectures, International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI, IF=7.5)
Chiu Y. H., Lee Y.F., Lin H.L., Cheng L.C.*, (2024) Exploring the role of mobile applications for insomnia in depression: A Systematic Review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26(SSCI, IF=5.8, Q1)
邱郁雯、鄭麗珍*, (2024) 以方法目的鏈探討後疫情時代供應商評選條件, 管理與系統31,3 (TSSCI)
Cheng L.C.*, Huang,H. Y, Huang, Y.W.,(2024) Multi-task Chinese aspect-based sentiment analysis framework for service improvement – A case study on BNB reviews, Electronic Commerce Research(SSCI, IF=4.0) 國科會管二推薦期刊
Hung,C. Y., Eddie,J., Cheng L.C.*,(2024) Analysis of CEO Career Patterns Using Machine Learning: Taking US University Graduates as an Example, Data Technologies and Applications(SCI, IF=1.7)
Cheng L.C.*, Sun, J.S. (2024) Multiagent-based deep reinforcement learning framework for multi-asset adaptive trading and portfolio management, Neurocomputing (SCI, IF=5.5)
Chou Y, Lin C, Lee S, Lee Y, Cheng L.C.*(2024) User-Friendly Chatbot to Mitigate the Psychological Stress of Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development and Usability Study, JMIR Form Res (SCI, IF=2.0) (北科長庚計畫成果)
Cheng, L. C., Wu Y. T. , Chao C.T. ,Wang J. H. (2024) Detecting fake reviewers from the social context with a graph neural network method, Decision Support Systems, 179, (SCI, IF=6.7, Q1)國科會管二推薦期刊
Cheng, L. C., J.W.*, Choi,S.Legaspi R. S. Y. (2024) Using Mixed Method to Understand Customer Experience With Digital Banking Services: Comparisons Between South Korea and Philippines, Journal of Global Information Management,(SSCI, IF=4.7) 國科會管二推薦期刊
Chen, KC, Cheng, L. C.*, Ye,M.Y, Wang,J. H.(2023) A Graph Neural Network Approach to Detect Original Review Spammers of Astroturfing Campaigns, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,(SSCI, IF=5.9) 國科會管二推薦期刊
Chou YH, Lin C, Lee SH, Chang Chien YW, Cheng LC. * (2023) Potential Mobile Health Applications for Improving the Mental Health of the Elderly: A Systematic Review. Clin Interv Aging. 2023;18:1523-1534, (ESCI, IF=3.5) (北科長庚計畫成果)
Yang, Y. W., Liu C., Cheng, L. C.* (2023) The dynamic impact of eWOM on movie box office sales: based on innovation diffusion theory, Managerial And Decision Economics 44(6) 3384-3396, (SSCI, IF= 2.5)
Cheng, L. C., Lu, W. T., & Yeo, B. (2023). Predicting abnormal trading behavior from internet rumor propagation: a machine learning approach. Financial Innovation, 9(1), 1-23. (SSCI, IF=6.9)
Cheng, L. C.*; Chen, KC (2022) Mining longitudinal user sessions with deep learning to extend the boundary of consumer priming, Decision Support Systems, 162, 113864 (SCI, IF=6.9)國科會管二推薦期刊
Cheng, L.C., Yang, Y. W. (2022) The effect of online reviews on movie box office sales. Journal of Global Information Management,30(1). (SSCI, IF=4.7) 國科會管二推薦期刊
Cheng, L. C.*; Cheng, Y.L.; Liao, Y. Y. (2022) Aspect-based sentiment analysis with component focusing multi-head co-attention networks,Neurocomputing, 489, 9-17, (SCI, IF=6) 本人為第一作者
Cheng, L. C.; Huang, Y. H.; Hsieh, M. H.; Wu, M. E. (2021) A Novel Trading Strategy Framework Based on Reinforcement Deep Learning for Financial Market Predictions. Mathematics, 9(23), 3094. (SCI, IF=2.258)
Cheng, L.C., Li Wei, & Tseng, C. R. (2021) Effects of an automated programming assessment system on the learning performances of experienced and novice learners, Interactive Learning Environments, (SSCI, IF=4.95)
Cheng, L.C.*, Chen, K., Lee, M.C., & Li, K.M. (2021). User-Defined SWOT analysis : A change mining perspective on user-generated content. Information Processing & Management, 58(5), 102613 (SSCI, IF=6.222) 國科會管二推薦期刊
Cheng, L.C.*, Lin, W.S., & Lien, Y.H. (2021). A hybrid deep learning model for predicting stock market trend prediction. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 32(2),121-140. (EI) —本人為第一作者與聯絡作者
Cheng, L.C., Hu, H.W., & Wu, C.C. (2021). Spammer group detection using machine learning technology for observation of new spammer behavioral features. Journal of Global Information Management, 29(2), 61-76. (SSCI, IF=4.7) --國科會管二推薦期刊
Chen, Y.L., Cheng,L.C.*, & Zhang, Y.J. (2021). Building a training dataset for classification under a cost limitation. The Electronic Library, 39(1), 77-96.(SSCI, IF=1.3, Q2)
Cheng, L.C.*,& Lin, M.C. (2019). A hybrid recommender system for the mining of consumer preferences from their reviews. Journal of Information Science, 46(5),664-682. (SSCI, IF=3.282)
Cheng, L.C.*, & Huang, C.L. (2020). Exploring contextual factors from consumer reviews affecting movie sales: an opinion mining approach. Electronic Commerce Research. 20(4), 807–832 (SSCI, IF=3.747).
Cheng, L.C.*, Wu, C.C., & Chen, C.Y. (2019). Behavior Analysis of Customer Churn for a Customer Relationship System: An Empirical Case Study. Journal of Global Information Management, 27(1), 111-127. (SSCI, IF=4.7). 國科會管二推薦期刊.
Cheng, L.C.*, & Chu, H.C. (2019). An innovative consensus map embedded collaborative learning system for ER diagram learning: sequential analysis of students’ learning achievements. Interactive Learning Environments, 27(3),410-425. (SSCI, IF=4.95)
Cheng, L.C., Hu, Y.H., & Chiou, S.H. (2017). Applying the Temporal Abstraction Technique to the Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Progression. Journal of Medical Systems, 41(5),1-12.(SCI, IF=4.460)..
Cheng, L.C.*, Chen, Y.L., & Chiang,Y.C. (2016). Identifying conflict patterns to reach a consensus –A novel groupdecision approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 254(2), 622-631,(SCI, IF=5.334)國科會管二推薦期刊 .
Cheng, L.C.*, & Jhang, M.J.(2015). A novel approach to exploring maximum consensus graphs from users’preference data in a new age environment. Electronic Commerce Research, 15(4),543-569. (SSCI, IF=3.747).國科會管二推薦期刊
Cheng, L.C.*, Chu, H.C., & Shiue, B.M. (2015). An Innovative Approach for Assisting Teachers in Improving Instructional Strategies via Analyzing Historical Assessment Data of Students. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 13(4), 40-61. (EI).
Cheng, L.C.*, & Wang, H.A. (2014). A fuzzy recommender system based on the integration of subjective preferences and objective information. Applied Soft Computing, 18, 290–301. (SCI, IF=6.725) (COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Q1)
鄭麗珍*、李麗美(2014)。探勘不平衡資料集中之突顯樣式-以國道事故資料為實證研究。資管學報,21(2), 161-183。(TSSCI)。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
Chen, Y.L., Cheng, L.C., & Hsu, W.Y. (2013). A New Approach to the Group Ranking Problem: Finding Consensus Ordered Segments from Users' Preference Data. Decision Sciences, 44(6), 1091-1119. (SSCI, IF=4.147)(MANAGEMENT, Q2 )國科會管二推薦期刊
Chen, Y.L., Cheng, L.C., & Huang, P.H. (2013). Mining consensus preference graphs from users' ranking data. Decision Support Systems, 54(2), 1055-1064. (SCI, IF=5.795). 國科會管二推薦期刊
Cheng, L.C., Sun, L. M. (2012), Exploring consumer adoption of new services by analyzing the behavior of 3G subscribers: an empirical case study, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11(2), 89-100. (SSCI, IF=6.014)
鄭麗珍,吳文雄 ( 2011.) ,應用社會網路理論偵測營業稅循環交易之研究,數據分析,第六卷第六期 : 109-126 頁
鄭麗珍, 賴美惠 (2011), 結合知識地圖之公部門陳訴文件自動化分案系統, 資管學報,18(4) 1-20。 (TSSCI)
Chen, Y.L., Cheng, L.C (2010) An approach to group ranking decisions in a dynamic environment, Decision Support Systems, 48(4), 622-634. (SCI, IF=5.795).國科會管二推薦期刊
Chen, Y.L., Cheng, L.C., (2009) Mining maximum consensus sequences from group ranking data, European Journal of Operational Research, 198(1), 241-251. (SCI, IF=5.334)國科會管二推薦期刊
Chen, Y.L., Cheng, L.C., (2008) A novel collaborative filtering approach for recommending ranked items, Expert Systems with Applications, 34(4), 2396-2405. (SCI, IF =6.954)
Chen, Y.L., Cheng, L.C., Chung, C. N. (2008) A group recommendation system with consideration of interactions among group members, Expert Systems with Applications, 34(3), pp. 2082-2090. (SCI, IF=6.954)
林裕淩,鄭麗珍,林芝亘(2008),以方法目的鏈探求數位學習平台需求之研究,數位學習科技期刊,1(1) 39-55。
Chen, Y.L., Cheng, L.C., Cheng, W. L. (2007) Using position, fonts and cited references for retrievingscientific documents, Journal of Information Science, 33(4), 492-508. (SSCI, IF=3.282)
Conference Papers
Cheng, L.C.*, & Choi, S. (2021). Applying a text mining technique to explore user satisfaction of Kakaobank. 2021第三十二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM 2021),臺北市,臺灣。
Cheng, L.C.*, & Sharmayne, L.R. (2020). Analyzing Digital Banking Reviews Using Text Mining. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020).
Lu, W.T., Cheng, L.C.*, & Chen, J.H. (2020). The Prediction Model of Abnormal Stock Price Impacted by Financial News. 2020第二十六屆臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2020),臺北市,臺灣
Cheng, L.C.*, & Tsai, L.S. (2019). Deep Learning for Automated Sentiment Analysis of Social Media. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2019), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
黃鈺翔、鄭麗珍*(2019)應用深度SARSA學習於交易策略。第二十四屆人工智慧與應用研討會(TAAI 2019),高雄市,臺灣。
Li, W., Tseng, J.C.R. & Cheng, L.C.* (2019). The Effects of Integrating IRS with a Flipped Classroom on Students' Learning Achievement and Self-efficacy. EdMedia + Innovate Learning
Cheng, L.C.*, Lien, Y.H. , Chiang, Y. M. (2017) Applied deep learning in fake review detection and dataset generation, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data
Wu, M. E., Huang, Y. H., Cheng, L.C.* (2018). Applied attention based LSTM neural networks in stock prediction. The 2nd International Workshop on Big Data for Financial News and Data, Seattle
Cheng, L.C.*, Li, P. Y., Chen, S. H. (2017) Explore users’ preference from Facebook fan pages, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining
Cheng, L.C.*, Tseng, Judy C. R., Chung, T. Y. (2017) Case Study of Fake Web Reviews, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining
Cheng, L.C., Huang, Y. W. (2015) To Quantize Comments from IMDB as For Improving Sequels, International Conference on Innovation and Management
Cheng, L.C., Huang, C. L. (2015) Mining Some Important Features from IMDb Reviews, International Conference on Innovation and Management
Cheng, L.C., Huang, C. L. (2014) Mining the Reviews of Movie Trailers on YouTube and Comments on Yahoo Movies, The 2014 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'14)
Cheng, L.C., Jhang, M. J. (2012). Applied graph mining technique to discover consensus graphs from group ranking decisions. The 2012 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'1), Las Vegas, USA
Wu, S. Y., Cheng, L.C., (March, 2012) , Mining Same-taste Users with Common Preference Patterns for Ubiquitous Exhibition Navigation, 4th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS-2012), Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Cheng, L.C., Wan, H. A. (2011), A novel fuzzy recommendation system integrated the experts' opinion, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems(FUZZ-IEEE 2011), Taipei, Taiwan
Cheng, L.C., Ke, Z. H., Shiue, B. M. (2011), Detecting changes of opinion from customer reviews, The 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'11), Shanghai, China, Vol. 3, 1851 – 1855.
Cheng, L.C., Lai, L. M. (2011), Mining the change of consensus from group ranking decisions, The 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'11) Shanghai, China, 1515 – 1519.